Bogota: A booming destination for US travellers

Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, is experiencing remarkable growth in its tourism sector, attracting more and more travellers, particularly from the United States. A survey conducted in 2023 by the Bogotá Tourism Institute (IDT) reveals key information about visitor trends and preferences, highlighting the reasons why the city has become a preferred choice for tourists.



Our city is the number one destination in South America and number six in the international top 25 according to ratings and reviews on TripAdvisor. These are two acknowledgements of Bogotá’s wide range of tourist and cultural attractions“, said Bogotá Mayor Carlos Fernando Galan via his X network.


Tourism growth in Bogotá

Bogota, capital of Colombia


In 2023, Bogotá welcomed a record number of tourists, with a significant increase in international visitors (1,385,979 travellers, up 22.9% on 2022), particularly those from the United States. More than 74,000 surveys submitted to these tourists have been analysed, revealing valuable data on traveller behaviour and motivations. The main reasons for this growth include

  • Greater accessibility: The increase in direct flights between the United States and Bogotá has made it easier for tourists to arrive. Airlines such as Avianca and Delta have expanded their services, offering travellers more options and conveniences.
  • Cultural attractions: Bogotá is renowned for its rich cultural offering, including world-famous museums such as the Gold Museum and the Botero Museum, as well as historic districts such as La Candelaria.
  • Gastronomy: Bogotá’s culinary scene has developed considerably, with restaurants offering high-quality local and international cuisine. Visitors particularly appreciate the diversity of dishes and the upscale nature of the dining experience.
  • Improved security: Ongoing efforts to improve security in the city have played a crucial role in attracting new tourists. Perceptions of increased security are encouraging more travellers to choose Bogotá as a destination.


Profile of travellers from the United States

IDT surveys show that US tourists account for a significant proportion of international visitors to Bogotá. These tourists are mainly attracted by :

  • Cultural exploration: Americans visit Bogotá to discover its rich history, art and music. Local festivals and cultural events are particularly popular.
  • Business tourism: With Bogotá as a major economic centre, many travellers come for conferences, meetings and professional events, often combining business and tourism.
  • Adventure and nature: Bogotá’s surroundings offer many opportunities for outdoor activities, such as hiking in the mountains and visiting natural parks, which attract nature and adventure lovers.


Our article: The New Era of Colombian Tourism: Impressive Growth and Increased Connectivity


Economic impact

Growing tourism is having a significant positive impact on the local economy. Tourist spending supports a variety of industries, from hotels and restaurants to transport and tour guide services. This growth contributes to job creation and economic development in the city.



Bogotá is increasingly positioning itself as a destination of choice for international tourists, particularly those from the United States. The combination of improved accessibility, a rich cultural offering, a thriving gastronomic scene and increased security makes the Colombian capital an attractive place for a diverse range of travellers. As tourism continues to grow, Bogotá is well placed to reinforce its status as one of Latin America’s must-visit destinations.


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