Cuzco and Santiago reconnected by LATAM

LATAM, South America’s leading airline, has unveiled plans to revitalise the route between Cuzco, Peru‘s jewel, and the bustling metropolis of Santiago de Chile. The resumption of service, scheduled for October 1, comes after a hiatus initiated last February and marks a promising turning point for the region’s tourism sector.

Airbus A320 (Crédit : LATAM)

Airbus A320 (Credit: LATAM)

There will be three flights a week between the two destinations, operated by Airbus A320s. The route will operate on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.


Flight schedule:

Flight LP 2367: Cuzco (08:10) to Santiago (13:35)

Flight LP 2366: Santiago (15:50) to Cuzco (17:25)


Cuzco: a gateway to world heritage

Despite its status as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Cuzco currently has no direct international air links. The city, which serves as the gateway to the famous Machu Picchu, is a popular destination for travellers from all over the world.


Santiago de Chile: South American crossroads

Santiago, as the beating heart of Chile, plays a central role in the region’s commercial and cultural exchanges. The resumption of this route will reinforce its status as a continental hub.


With the announcement a few days ago of the launch of the Bogota-Cuzco route by Avianca from 30 October, this takeover reinforces the interconnectivity of major Latin American destinations with one of Peru’s most emblematic tourist sites, the imperial city of the Incas: Cuzco.


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