Immersion in the Bayano Lake Community in Panama

Lake Bayano in the province of Panama

Lake Bayano in the province of Panama. Photo : Rob Crandall

It’s at least two hours from Panama City that we can find the Lake BAYANO, a reservoir built in 1976 during the creation of the dam of the river of the same name.

The community of Bayaneros lives along the riverbanks, comprised of diverse populations who are all open to improve their living conditions while respecting nature and each other’s traditions.

In an exclusive partnership with the community, QUIMBAYA TOURS PANAMA has begun to help agrotourism be discovered, in addition to the activities which punctuate the lives of the inhabitants of this preserved location.

On the agenda: artisanal fishing, banana plantation visits and corn (depending on the season), cow milking, the preparation of traditional dishes and tasting of Panamanian rum.

Our passengers participate in traditional fishing assisted by locals. Fish are oriented with a vara towards the nets previously placed in the lake. If the outcome of the fishing is sufficient, they can eat their catch for lunch!


In the cooperative, the small breeding center also acts to care for animals and the production of artisanal milk products, including one kind of cheese which is much appreciated in the country that is tasted by our passengers after learning to make it and after having participated of course in the cow milking.

To conclude our day, we offer a visit to a family-run banana plantation and, depending on the season, maybe also the privilege to participate with the farmers in the harvesting of the most emblematic fruit of Panama.


A word from Alexis Barrois, Country Manager QUIMBAYA TOURS PANAMA:

“In Panama more than 10% of the population is indigenous, 7 different tribes represent one community of around 500,000 people, the preservation of the territory and indigenous cultures is a priority and we are proud to participate in this endeavor.”



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