The splendid landscapes of Bolivia

Bolivia offers endless landscapes, beyond compare beauty and a calm worthy of the name, and more specifically the region of Potosí, full of resources and surprises that you have to see on your next trip in Latin America!


The salar of Uyuni

A desert landscape of nearly 10,500 km², a stretch of salt unique in the world, the salar of Uyuni is a true splendor of nature. Former salt lake, named Tauca, the salar is a dry lake that became iconic, and scattered with pyramids of salt.

During the rainy season, the salar is really different. A layer of water constituting and allowing a perfect reflection giving an illusion of infinity often immortalized by perspectives photos.

But the most impressive is certainly the sunset, in any season, changing colors and impressive! But also a starry sky of rare beauty.

Do not leave without having done pretty pictures with optical illusion, and played with the perspectives of this salar.

Uyuni Bolivia

Uyuni Salar train cemetery Bolivia

Uyuni Salar

Laguna Verde

Laguna Colorada

Laguna Colorada


Well known for its salt, the salar of Uyuni is full of surprises, a cactus island; Incahuasi, but also a cemetery like no other!

3 km from the city of Uyuni, a cemetery stands in the middle of nowhere in this huge salar, a cemetery of abandoned trains and locomotives. Previously used for the transport of minerals and gold between Bolivia and Chile but also Bolivia and Argentina, these steam trains were abandoned in the middle of the desert.


Lagoons and geysers in the province of Sur Lípez

Also discover the province of Sur Lípez, a region that brings together the most beautiful landscapes of the Andes. Between deserts, mountains, volcanoes with snowy peaks, these lagoons are real wonders where a strange sensation of being the only person in the world overcomes us.

The different colors of lagoons such as Laguna Colorada or Laguna Verde, come from the vegetation, making unique lakes, whose population has two legs and an incomparable pink color, due to the pigments of their food.


Sur Lípez is also characterized by its geysers, as we can see on the Sol de Mañana, which is an impressive show in the south of the Laguna Colorada.

Dozens of geysers spewing steam and hot water sometimes up to 50m high offer an impressive show giving the impression of landing on another planet. Do not forget your swimsuit, to swim in hot water tanks and at almost 40 ° C!



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