Leonardo DiCaprio applauds the creation of the new Serrania de Manacacías Nature Park in Colombia

Colombia, renowned for its unrivalled biodiversity, recently took a major step towards conserving its natural heritage with the creation of the Serranía de Manacacías National Park. The initiative has attracted international attention, not least from Oscar-winning actor and environmental campaigner Leonardo DiCaprio.


Photo : Luis Bernardo Cano

Photo: Luis Bernardo Cano

Located in the Orinoquía, the park covers 68,180 hectares, providing a haven for unique ecosystems and abundant wildlife. The area is essential for maintaining ecological connectivity between the savannah and the Amazon rainforest, serving as a vital corridor for many species. Leonardo DiCaprio – who is involved in sustainable development and environmental conservation, notably through his foundation set up in 1998 – publicly congratulated Colombia on this achievement, underlining its crucial role in protecting the world’s biodiversity.

The importance of Manacacías lies in its representation of six distinct ecosystems, previously not included in the system of national protected areas. The park is home to a quarter of Colombia’s bird species and has recently been the site of the discovery of two new species of butterfly. The park’s diversity of flora and fauna reinforces Colombia’s position as the second most biodiverse country in the world.


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Une publication partagée par Leonardo DiCaprio (@leonardodicaprio)

The creation of this park is a significant step towards Colombia’s commitment to protect 30% of its land, freshwater and oceans by 2030, in line with global conservation targets. Organisations such as The Nature Conservancy (TNC) have played a key role in supporting the Colombian government in this ambitious project. The park represents a model of collaborative conservation, involving partnerships between government agencies, NGOs, scientists and local communities.

Leonardo DiCaprio’s recognition of this initiative underlines the growing importance of conservation efforts in Colombia on the world stage. His message is a call to action for other nations to follow the country’s example in preserving their natural heritage for future generations. With Manacacías, Colombia is showing that it is possible to reconcile development and conservation, by protecting vital ecosystems while respecting local cultures and ways of life.


The creation of this new National Park marks a significant milestone in Colombia‘s conservation efforts and is an inspiring example of how collaboration and commitment can lead to remarkable environmental achievements. This effort, hailed by international figures such as Leonardo DiCaprio, reinforces Colombia’s status as a world leader in protecting biodiversity and tackling climate crises.


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